Saturday, March 13, 2010


Butterflies pass through stages much like people do. Each stage involves a transformation, a becoming. Maturity is perhaps the most beautiful stage of a butterfly's brief time on earth. After much struggle, a lovely winged creature emerges and graces our world with transient beauty. Bittersweet, its time is short, its beauty fragile and soon gone.
I too am nearing the end of my winged cycle, aware of how short it is -- this time to gather all my energy and fly.
Butterflies appear to flit more than fly. Flowers that offer sweet sustenance are their destination. The struggle on the ground is over. They take to the air for a brief period, beat their wings a prescribed number of times and then beat them no longer.
Butterflies are solitary creatures, choosing the society of flowers. They are polinators, ensuring the next generation of fields and orchards. Each generation of butterfly moves the species forward. Butterflies are pro-growth.
Choose carefully the flowers you visit. They will be the ones you help perpetuate.

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