Monday, October 4, 2010

Weekend Writer Warrior

I had an inspired weekend at Write on the Sound in Edmonds, WA and I want to share some of my treats with my writing friends. Remember Natalie Goldberg? Writing down the Bones; Wild Mind – she started a creative writing movement back in the day when people started movements (what movement would you like to start today?) Natalie’s thoughts on writing:

Writers care about something that the rest of society doesn’t care much about.
A timed writing practice gives you a chance to say what you really want to say and find out what your true obsessions are.
Writing is an athletic activity.
All those journals you have? Re-read them; then throw them away. They aren’t precious.
And from Paula Coomer, English professor at University of Washington. Her thoughts on writing in the absence of commercial success:

The devil trades in immediate gratification, not eternal consequences. Writing has eternal consequences.
Writing is about Mystery – not knowing what is going to come out of the end of your pen, being amazed at the grace of it.
Writing is the act of setting down your thinking as clearly as possible.
Walk softly and carry a pen and a big notebook.
And from Robert J. Ray, teacher, author and Goldberg convert:
Now write. Go.

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