Tuesday, April 13, 2010


I have been at stalemates when it appeared that nothing I could do would really make anything better. Transitions at work, when I had no work to do, no one to assign work to me and making work no longer made sense. It's like being in a maze, taking a wrong turn and finding yourself on a path square in the face of a hedge that prevents you from moving ahead.
Best to turn around and patiently seek another way through to the exit? Retrace steps to the entrance and explore the surrounding field instead? Be bold and punch a hole in the hedge in hopes that some new way will reveal itself? Or take a moment to stand quietly before the hedge and observe its form?
I might find this hedge is rosemary, not cypress. I may snap a sprig off a seasoned twist of branch, breathe deeply its pungent fragrance and be refreshed. Many paths may emanate from this place, many options to step onto a different path that takes me to a place of my choice.
Be easy, fellow pathfinders. Undue effort often seems to produce questionable results. While, according to Thomas a Kempis, the more a man is united within himself, and becomes inwardly simple, the more and higher things he understands without labor; for he receives intellectual light from above.
Modest effort can sometimes produce great reward.

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